Thursday, 30 July 2015

Green Islands Foundation completes eradication of invasive Myna birds on Denis Island

Mynas in 5-compartment decoy trap
The Common Myna, also known as Indian Myna, is one of the world’s most invasive birds, causing problems wherever it has been introduced. Myna birds are not native to Seychelles, but since they were introduced here from Mauritius in the 19th century, they have spread to many of the islands. Because their diet includes the eggs and chicks of other birds they pose a threat to endemic birds in Seychelles. Therefore Green Islands Foundation (GIF) has been removing Mynas from Denis Island, where four species of endemic birds have been introduced in the past to save them from extinction.

Shark Identification training

Mr. Nevill explaining what to look for when identifying sharks
On Monday 27th July we hosted a workshop presenting the Green Islands Foundation's (GIF) shark identification guide together with a basic training on how to identify sharks and provide training in standardized shark monitoring methodology. The workshop took place at the Seychelles Fishing Authority (SFA) for participants from SFA itself and various other environmental organizations.

Saturday, 18 July 2015

Shark event at Cap Ternay

Group photo with PGEC, GIF and GVI
The Green Islands Foundation (GIF) together with Global Vision International (GVI) hosted a shark education campaign on 12th July 2015 with the children from the Port Glaud Environment Club (PGEC). The event took place at the GVI base at Cap Ternay and Port Launay beach.

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Fishermen workshop on sharks

Group photo with the artisanal fishermen who attended
Green Islands Foundation (GIF) participated in a workshop organized by the Fishermen and Boat Owner's Association (FBOA) to educate fishermen on the role and importance of sharks and how best to adopt sustainable shark fishing practices.

Saturday, 4 July 2015

GIF at the National Expo 2015

GIF team at the National show
Last weekend Green Islands Foundation (GIF) participated in the National Expo 2015. If you passed by the Ecovillage then you surely did not miss the vibrant displays and exciting games we prepared for the event. From the 27th -29th June 2015, all of Seychelles got the opportunity to meet the GIF team, learn about GIF’s role and some of our past and present conservation projects.

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Shark education on Curieuse Island

Children from Grand Anse Praslin primary school
 who took part in the shark workshop
The Green Islands Foundation hosted yet another shark educational workshop with school children as part of its ongoing national awareness campaign on sharks. On Wednesday 17th June, a group of 17 children from Grand Anse Praslin Primary school hopped on the boat to Curieuse National Park to learn about a special group of fish: the sharks. For this event GIF collaborated with Global Vision International (GVI) staff and volunteers based on Curieuse, and the Seychelles National Parks Authority (SNPA).