3 – Fairy Terns and hatchlings
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inquisitive Fairy Terns following me on my patrol
Jennifer from GIF,
has flown in to assist with a Fairy Tern survey. In a 200 sq m area we count nests, eggs,
chicks, single birds, pairs of birds and also note the vegetation. We repeat
this over 70 different GPS representative points across the island to establish
a guide to the breeding population.
Apart from a stiff neck and a hairy caterpillar rash we finish in just
over 3 days and then I input the data for later analysis.
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White ‘Fairy’ Tern egg |
These delightful birds don’t build a nest,
they lay an egg on a branch and the chick has to hang on for dear life for
about 12 weeks before they can fly. On
the last day of the survey and on a Banyan tree we find a chick that has fallen
from a branch and is hanging by his neck from an aerial root. Quick thinking Martin takes off his shirt
and we use it as a blanket style trampoline so when Janske dislodges the chick
it falls from the heavens into the safety of our T shirt blanket. Safely replaced into the tree another
successful conservation rescue takes place – never a dull day.
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Hawksbill turtle hatchling |
It's Wednesday and its first light and Jennifer, calls me to the front of the house, we have another
rescue mission on our hands – she has found a couple of baby Hawksbill
hatchlings. They must have become lost in the night and were
probably attracted by an outside light.
At first we find 10 and take them to the beach. We look a little further and find at least
another 100. We collect them and release
them on mass from the burn for the start of baby turtle `grand national` dash
for the sea. It’s a special sight and my
first Hawksbill hatchlings so a great start to the day.
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Worth getting up for |
I'm so addicted to the sunrise now that I'm starting at 5am and getting around to
the East side of the island right on cue for the sun to say good morning. It’s a different world seeing the water in
the dark and I see Stingrays and fish close to the water line. Using my new GIF shark skills I also spot two
lemon sharks and a Blacktip Reef Shark waiting for a fish or a baby turtle
breakfast. I also see half a dozen green
turtles swimming in the shallow waters every morning. What a way to start the day.
Week 4 – “Its just nature”
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Giant Tortoise inspecting the tyre we used
for `holding` them whilst chipping
I get to chip my first Tortoises today and
feel really part of the program. Quick, turtle on the beach, on my bike to
the back of the farm and there she is just `closing` the nest. Wow she is a big girl a huge Hawksbill but
with a difference, she has a blonde carapace and quite stunning – blondes have
more fun and she attracts quite an audience, even the staff turn out. We do the gps and the tape measure honours
and find she has a tag from 13 years ago on Denis, we give her a new tag and
see her safely off the beach with the paparazzi tucked in behind her. Nice to see.
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Nesting Hawksbill turtle |
Well I moved house today – from Bois Blanc
to the Banyan Tree area. The nice Indian
guy that helped me move said his 2 year contract was up and he was leaving the
island soon. I have a new task – to monitor and report
on the condition of all the Magpie Robin nest-boxes. I find most are unused because of the damp,
however 3 are with nests and one has a chick.
I document all the boxes take photographs and report on their condition
with a few recommendations of my own for the design of future boxes, it is clear that the oversize hole required
for the boxes is letting in the rain – when it rains here it RAINS! A larger lid or even a slightly downward
facing front panel would also help. I
note that the box with the chick is on a tree that is leaning forward and the
box is protected from the rain – makes sense to emulate this as it is a
successful nest site.
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Robin chick about 12 days old
More turtle track counts and more sunrises
to start each day – super nice. Nearly time to leave and the new volunteers
have arrived – I am happy to show them the island, pull a few weeds together
and settle the guys in. We enjoy a
sundowner together and I am jealous that they will be here for the next few
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at the top of a Casuarina tree after a `
tropicbird chick had
falle from the nest.
Just when you think the action is over a
lost Tropicbird chick is sitting on the office steps – it takes 3 days to track
down the finder and with a team of highly trained `conservation detectives` we
eventually find the nest – a new nest, right under our noses at the side of the
main track. It’s a high one and we have
to tie two ladders together for Martjin to make the high climb to pop him
safely back home.
I am into my last few days here on Denis
now and its been a truly magnificent time. I have found when I am close to nature time stands still. I haven’t aged a day and I feel
invigorated. Leaving Denis Island
concludes 3 months of a volunteering delight and Denis has just been the icing
on the cake.
Thank you to Arjan at GIF
for making it happen and thank you to Martijn and Janske for coming into my
life and making me feel part of the team.
I have had a wonderful time and would highly recommend Denis Island and
all she has to offer. This is the place
for people who are looking for something truly special. Its not luxury living but it is living a
dream. Embrace the experience and take it
forward into your life. This adventure
will stay with me forever, thank you.
PS – When the plane left the grass strip I
actually shed a tear of emotion – I didn't see that coming, the island can do
that to you – it was the only single drop of rain to fall from the sky in 7
Jeremy from England
What a beautiful posts Jeremy. You manage to capture exactly what is important on the island. We all miss you a lot here, hopefully we will meet again.